Your Partner to Improve Quality and Financial Performance


Health Insights
In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare, the shift towards value-based care is gaining momentum. The key to success in this new era lies in building out ambulatory care, leveraging scalable infrastructure, and forming strategic partnerships with health plans.
Read the article by Dan Serrano
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CMS recently published the Request For Application (RFA) for Making Care Primary (MCP), a progressive roadmap to value-based payment for primary care providers with little-to-no VBP experience. This new model includes health equity and state Medicaid alignment initiatives.
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In this recent case study, we provided a New York IPA with actionable data analytics to power provider engagement and performance through Analytics for Risk Contracting.
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Join Health Tech for Medicaid, COPE Health Solutions and payer and provider leaders at the HLTH Conference on Monday, October 9 from 1 PM – 2 PM at the panel "Accelerating Success in Advanced Value Based Payment."

Speakers include Adimika Arthur, CEO & Executive Director at Health Tech 4 Medicaid, Pete Delgado, President & CEO at Salinas Valley Health and Allen Miller, Principal & CEO at COPE Health Solutions.
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About COPE Health Solutions
COPE Health Solutions is a national tech enabled services firm powering success in risk arrangements and development of the future workforce for payers and providers.

Our team brings deep expertise, experience, proven tools, and processes to improve financial performance and quality outcomes for all types of payers and providers, de-risking the roadmap to advanced value-based payment.
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